Property Tax

Remind: December 10th is the deadline you should pay the property tax. please feel free to contact me if you have any problems.
1. Property tax:
First installment is due November 1st and will be overdue if not paid by December 10th. This tax bill covers the tax for 07/01/2019 -12/31/2019
2. Supplemental Tax:
If you purchased any property this year, you also might receive a supplemental tax bill. This bill is for the difference between what the seller used to pay and what your new amount due is. The due dates may vary.
3. If you have an impound, or escrow account, where your tax bill and insurance are wrapped into the mortgage payment, then the bill will say “for information only” in red. This is just for your review and records. Do not pay this, as it is not a bill that is due.
4. If you are not sure whether you have an impound account or not, please feel free to call your lender or feel free to reach out to us for help.
5. You can mail the payment to the county collector or go online to pay electronically with your checking account or credit card.
6. Pay Online:
To make payments online, go to


1. Property Tax 地產稅:


2. Supplenental Tax 附加稅:


3.如果您有抵押物,或託管賬戶,你的稅單和保險都包含在抵押付款中,那麼賬單上就會用紅色標註“僅供參考(for information only)”文件只是供您參考和記錄的,您並不需要支付這筆錢,因爲這不是到期的賬單。

4. 如果您不確定您是否有抵押帳戶,請隨時聯繫您的貸款人或向我們尋求幫助。

5. 您可以把錢寄到當地稅務局,或者上網用你的支票賬戶或信用卡進行電子支付。

6. Pay Online 在線支付:




