2018-2-28 Sofia Chang洛杉矶华人地产经纪
LA Dance Festival Mar. 1-3
Celebrate the Women’s History Month with the Women Rising performances, featuring contemporary dance through the lens of female choreographers.
Time/Place: See website for schedule. / Théâtre Raymond Kabbaz, LA
Contact: 310-286-0553 / www.theatreraymondkabbaz.com
Space and Innovation Expo Mar. 2
Come explore, innovate, learn about space exploration and advanced technologies. The event is in support of our junior high, high school and college learners and all are welcomed.
Time/Place: 6-8pm / College of the Canyons, Valencia Campus
Contact: 661-362-3601 / www.canyons.edu
Japanese Food Festival Mar. 2-3
Unique in its focus on bringing together foodies & Japanese food industry professionals, the 2018 Japanese Food Festival will feature food, sake, and travel exhibits from 50+ exhibitors.
Time/Place: Fri 5-8pm, Sat 1-4pm / InterContinental Hotel LA Downtown
Contact: www.japanfoodculture.org
Los Angeles IPA Festival Mar. 3-4
A beer competition open to the public that celebrates the best India Pale Ales from across California. This event does not require a ticket and is on a first come, first served basis.
Time/Place: 9:30am-4pm / Mohawk Bend, Silver Lake
Contact: www.laipafestival.com
Tough Mudder Los Angeles Mar. 3-4
Polsa Rosa Ranch, located just an hour from Los Angeles on the sunny side of the valley, will play home to all the mud and tough a course full of Mudders could ever want.
Time/Place: 8am-3pm / Polsa Rosa Ranch, Acton
Contact: www.toughmudder.com
International Women’s Day Celebration Mar. 4
The program combines the cultural flavor of the West Hollywood’s Russian speaking community with the other diverse cultures that make up the West Hollywood community, including the LGBTQ, African American, Asian, and Native American communities.
Time/Place: 12-3pm / Plummer Park-Fiesta Hall
Contact: www.weho.org
Glow-in-the-Dark Golf Tournament Mar. 9
Players will receive a glow-in-the-dark golf ball and glow necklaces. Awards will follow the 18-hole tournament with hot dogs and drinks being served to each player. The registration fee includes BBQ before the tournament.
Time/Place: 5-9:30pm / Don Knabe Golf Center, Norwalk
Contact: 562-929-5956 / www.ci.norwalk.ca.us
Spaghetti Dinner & Bake Sale Mar. 10
The Torrance Firefighters Association. DJ Ozzie will keep the mood festive and all proceeds benefit the Alisa Ann Ruch California Burn Foundation Summer Camp for burn patients.
Time/Place: 4:30-8pm / Ken Miller Recreation Center, Torrance
Contact: 310-781-7000 / www.torrancefire.org
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Mar. 10
The world’s largest, most successful fundraising and education event for breast cancer.
Time/Place: 6am-12pm / Dodger Stadium
Contact: 310-575-3011 / https://komenlacounty.org
Heart of Helping Family Fun Fair Mar. 10
The fundraiser benefiting the Volunteer Center’s programs and services will feature carnival games, face painting, crafts, raffle and opportunity drawings, prizes and more.
Time/Place: 11am-3pm / The Volunteer Center: 1230 Cravens Avenue, Torrance
Contact: 310-212-7997 / www.volcenter.org/
Hope and a Future Run Mar. 10
This community event benefits children with developmental disabilities in the Imago Dei School at Trinity Classical Academy. All ages are welcome!
Time/Place: 7:30am-12pm / West Creek Park, Valencia
Contact: 661-296-2601 / www.hopeandafuturerun.com
Holi Festival of Colors Mar. 10-11
Activities include live music, DJ’s, top of the hour color throws, interactive dance, yoga, free hugs, crafts and a range of ethnic vegetarian dishes. The festival strives to create an atmosphere of love, respect, compassion and spirituality.
Time/Place: Sat 11am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm / Whittier Narrows Park-The Meadows, South El Monte
Contact: www.festivalofcolorsusa.com
CSULB Annual Pow Wow 2018 Mar. 10-11
The two-day event, which will feature American Indian dancing, arts, crafts and food. In addition to contests and inter-tribal dancing, there will be Gourd dancing. Native foods such as mutton and beef stew, Navajo tacos, fry bread and Indian burgers will be on sale at the event, and American Indian vendors will be selling both traditional and contemporary American Indian art.
Time/Place: Sat 11am-10pm, Sun 11am-7pm / California State University Long Beach Central Quad
Contact: www.csulb.edu/powwow
St. Patrick’s Day Gold Hunt in Malibu Mar. 16
Activities to include story time, art activity, snack, giveaway and special surprise guest. Gold Hunt times are at 10:15am and 10:45am. Sign-ups for gold hunt times will be available at the check-in booth at 9:45am.
Time/Place: 10am-12pm / 23500 Civic Center Way, Malibu
Contact: 310-456-2489 x239 / www.malibucity.org
Paleyfest LA Mar. 16-25
See Stars & Creators of Your Favorite Shows in Person. Barbara Streisand, Will & Grace, The Handmaid’s Tale, The Big Bang Theory, The Good Doctor, Mom, Stranger Things and more!
Time/Place: See website for schedule. / Dolby Theatre, Hollywood
Contact: 310-786-1000 / https://media.paleycenter.org
International Children’s Festival Mar. 17
West African, Mexican, Pacific Islander, Cambodian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Persian, Irish, Slovak, and Czech dance are among the children’s performances, along with martial arts demonstrations and an international children’s choir. Kids can partake in a percussion circle, Japanese origami, Native American crafts, & Pacific Islander traditional children’s games.
Time/Place: 9am-5pm / Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach
Contact: 562-590-3100 / www.aquariumofpacific.org
College of the Canyons Women’s Conference Mar. 17
An exciting lineup of presenters and breakout sessions designed to explore issues including making a plan to make your dreams a reality, interviewing and networking, healthy lifestyles, wellbeing and mindset, personal safety, elder care, and searching for your ancestors.
Time/Place: 8am-3pm / 26455 Rockwell Canyon Rd., Santa Clarita
Contact: 661-362-5254 / www.canyons.edu/wc
Cherry Blossom Festival Mar. 17
Presented by The East San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community Center and Plaza West Covina.
Time/Place: 12-6pm / Plaza West Covina: 112 Plaza Drive
Contact: www.esgvjcc.org
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center Mar. 17
Event will feature live music, entertainment, food, activities, contests, games and drawings. Face painting, rock climbing, inflatable rides, rockin’ Time/Place: photo shoot and photo booth also on hand. Free use of the center for the day and open to the public.
11am-3pm / Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center
Contact: 818-597-7300 / www.ci.agoura-hills.ca.us
St Patrick’s Day Hollywood Club Crawl Mar. 17-18
We go to 4 venues. Ticket prices include admission to all venues, 1 FREE drink or shot at most of the venues, professional photos of the entire night, and an amazing party host to guide you from venue to venue. Must be 21+.
Time/Place: 8pm-2am / Check in at Cabo Cantina
Contact: 310-593-0909 / www.laepiclosangeles.com
Welcome Home Veterans Event Mar. 18
Resource fair, classic car & truck show, family activities, food trucks, live music and raffle prizes.
Time/Place: 2:30-5pm / Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary, Whittier
Contact: 805-341-7269 / www.whittierchamber.com
Great Race of Agoura Hills Mar. 24
Established in 1986 as a way to raise money for local schools. Features the challenging Cheseboro Half Marathon (mostly trails), Pacific Half Marathon (roads), Old Agoura 10K and Olympic Bronze Medalist and Agoura High School Alumnus Deena Kastor 5K run. There’s also a Kids 1 Mile Fun Run (ages 6 to 12) and a Family Fun Run/Walk 1 Mile event.
Time/Place: 7:30-11am / Chumash Park: 5550 Medea Valley Drive
Contact: 877-gr8-race x4 / http://greatrace.run
¡Latin Food Fest! Mar. 24
Gran Tasting at is all-inclusive with 150 food, beverage, wine, beer and spirits stations, Cooking Demos, Wine Workshop, Best of Fest Awards, VIP Tent, Live Art and Live Music, and cooking demos by chefs Aarón Sánchez, Marcela Valladolid, and Enrique Olvera.
Time/Place: 11am-3pm / Santa Monica Beach
Contact: www.latinfoodfest.com
The Gathering for the Grand Mar. 24
The Beatles – All You Need is Love! Celebrating art, inspiration and education. Our annual Gala is high-energy and lots of fun, bringing together members of the San Pedro community. The event will honor Andrew and Adela Silbur of The Whale & Ale for their many years of support for The Grand Vision Foundation.
Time/Place: 5pm / Palos Verdes Golf Club
Contact: 310-833-4813 / www.grandvision.org
El Segundo Spring Fling Easter Celebration Mar. 24
Activities l include live music, stilt walkers, balloons, face painting, egg hunt, photos with the big bunny himself, special in-store activities and more. A welcome table will offer a free spring fling kid’s gift, while supplies last.
Time/Place: 11am-3pm / The Point
Contact: 310-414-5280 / www.thepointsb.com
Sight for Kids Mar. 24
Whittier Host Lions Club Sight for Kids event. Wine tasting. Dinner. Silent auction. Donation: $50 each.
Time/Place: 5:30-8pm / Whittier Community Center
Contact: 562-698-9554 / www.whittierchamber.com
“Tee It Up 4 Kids” Golf Tournament Mar. 26
Fundraising event for the Boys & Girls Club of La Habra. In honor of Dr. Ronald K. Fliss.
Time/Place: Whittier Friendly Hills Golf Course
Contact: 562-691-2413 / www.ourchildrensfuture.org
Antelope Valley College Career Information & Job Fair Mar. 28
Community Welcome, Free Parking, Professional Dress code Recommended, Bring copies of your current resume.
Time/Place: 10am-2pm / 3041 W Ave K: Lancaster
Contact: www.avc.edu
Glendale Spring Eggstravaganza Mar. 31
Participate in an egg hunt, play various carnival games, challenge yourself on the Glendale Rocks! Climbing wall and take pictures with the Easter Bunny! Don’t forget a basket.
Time/Place: 10am-1pm / Pacific Community Center
Contact: www.glendaleca.gov
Burbank Spring Egg-Stravaganza Mar. 31
Egg hunts, prizes & games, mascot meet & greet, inflatable bounce houses and pictures with The Bunny.
Time/Place: 9am-12pm / McCambridge Park: 1515 N. Glenoaks Blvd.
Contact: 818-238-5353 / www.burbankca.gov/eggstrav
Glendora Easter Egg Hunt Mar. 31
Free Pancakes provided by Glenkirk Church at Finkbiner Park and Gladstone Church at Gladstone Park!
Time/Place: 9-11am / Finkbiner Park: 160 N. Wabash Ave.
Contact: 626-914-2357 / www.cityofglendora.org
Lancaster Egg Hunt Eggstravaganza Mar. 31
Visit with the Bunny and have a picture taken for only $5. There will also be a special photo opportunity area outside the hunt areas to give parents a place to create life-long memories.
Time/Place: 9:30am / Sgt. Steve Owen Memorial Park
Contact: 661-723-6000 / www.cityoflancasterca.org
Santa Clarita Volunteers: Eggstravaganza Mar. 31
Help with Easter egg distribution, monitoring fields, prize distribution, and clean-up. Volunteers must pre-register.
Time/Place: 8-11am / Central Park: 27150 Bouquet Canyon Road
Contact: 661-250-378 / www.SantaClaritaVolunteers.com
West Covina Easter Eggstravaganza Mar. 31
Egg hunts, arts & crafts, pictures and petting zoo!
Time/Place: 9-11am / Del Norte Park & Cortez Park
Contact: www.westcovina.org
Rosemead Easter Eggstravaganza Mar. 31
FREE game booths, moon bounce, and egg hunt!
Time/Place: 10am-1pm / Garvey Park, 7933 Emerson Place
Contact: 626-569-2100 / www.cityofrosemead.org

Sofia Chang
Wechat: callme229