位置! 位置! 位置! 这个超赞的独立屋位于天普市的中心!天普市最佳学区房! 建于2009年,共有4间客房和3间浴室,其中有一间客房和一间浴室就在一楼!亲戚朋友来了不用担心没有地方住! 主浴室设有双槽梳妆台,花岗岩台面,按摩浴缸和瓷砖地板。还有私人后院和两车车库加一个指定的客人停车位! 靠近学校,超市,购物中心,餐馆和银行。 不要错过这个能生活在一个安静社区和现代化环境中的绝妙机会! 房价优美!值得拥有!在被别人抢走前,赶紧来联系Sofia吧!
Location! Location! Location! This amazing single house (PUD) situated in the heart of Temple city with the best Temple City unified school district! Built in 2009 with 4 rooms and 3 baths, including one room/ one bath down stairs perfectly for guests or in laws. The master bathroom features a dual sink vanity, granite counter tops, Jacuzzi bathtub and tile flooring. Private back yard and two car attached garage plus one assigned guest parking. Close to schools, supermarkets, shopping centers, restaurants and banks. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to live in a quiet neighborhood and contemporary environment. It will not last long!
Sofia Chang
Wechat ID: callme229